Casey |
On the hobby front HUGE progress. The thousand sons are rapidly approaching completion after another round of beatings. The recent charity tournament at GTA was not very forgiving. I played Fluff with his own version of my army in round one. He beat me for a couple of reasons, mainly he had more thousand sons models than I do (27 me to 36 him) and he went first. His combination of an infiltrating Ahriman, a level 3 sorcerer and all of it infiltrating into short range made for a rough match up. The second round was a turn seven nail biter against my own Dark Eldar army...(good game Alex). I won round 3, and won it well. What I see going on is very few HARD counters for the list, but still a lack of punch on turn one. With that in mind I am stealing Fluff's ideas and making a few twists of my own. I think the list should be able to deliver a brutal punch turn one now.
The Vraksian renegades that I have been working on for almost 3 years now are nearly ready. I need a few more bases from Dragonforge, and a couple of vendetta conversion kits from Forge World to complete the new, all infantry version of the army.
I have also been speeding along with painting a 1000 point Ravenguard army for Adepticon this year. In fact, that will be my primary focus right up until the event in April . The guard and T-sons will sit until then, but all that means is a change of pace here.
Aside from Adepticon, Origins is coming up fast as well. We have a metric crap-ton of events this year, from 40k to fantasy to Necromunda to Battlefleet Gothic and more! Check out the pre-registration information at Origins Game Fair. We have incoming groups from several states at this point, so get registered early and let us know you are coming.