Saturday, June 20, 2015

Army in a weekend Progress report

Ok, I had a few hours last night after taking the kids to a movie. I got quite a bit of assembly done. As of 8am Saturday I have all but an Onager assembled. I have the wrong guns on some of my rangers, but that is nothing I can't fix. Taking a nap now and have real life stuff to do for the next 8 hours or so. I'll have another update this afternoon at some point, hopefully primer.

With the Onager completed this is ALMOST 700 points. The remaining models are tough to find. I plan on looking for some of the Sicaran Infiltrators today. Assuming I can find them I will add them to the mix, otherwise this is it!

Also, I will not be doing anything with the bases yet. Since these models will be going to Chicago eventually, their bases need to match the display board that has yet to be built. So for now, the bases will stay black.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ok so it HAS been a excuses life and laziness it is!

Well I am participating in army in a weekend this week with Allan Boltgun Blount. I must be nuts, as assembling, priming and painting a 1000 point Skitarii army in a single weekend is nuts when family is around. Heck, it is nuts anyway. As it stands I AM cheating a bit. I have one Onager partially painted as a test scheme for 2016 Adepticon. That said, here is the collection as it stands, including that partially painted Onager.

And this is the collection awaiting the weekend (less one Ironstrider not in picture)

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Countdown to Adepticon 2015

Wow! Radio Silence! I have been nose to the grindstone getting ready for this year's team tournament. Prepping the display has turned into a marathon this year. We decided to go big this year and push ourselves on every front. We are excited to go bring a good solid nut kicking to our opponents this year....after which we will pick them up and offer them a beer!

I have a few pictures to put up of the work in progress below, but the final appearance pictures will be posted on-site from Chicago with our armies on the display.

May army is nearly there, just details on 14 models to go. The display is paint ready and then it is just packing.