Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Necron carpet swarm list

Hi all. I have had this idea bouncing around in my head since I read the Fall of Damnos novel a few months back. With the new Necron codex out I can make it a reality. Now, this ist is not a hammer, it is not an incredibly strong list, and it has several glaring weaknesses. I like the feel of it though, and I think a surprised opponent might not be able to deal with the hordes of models getting thrown at them. There is still some tweaking to be done, but this is pretty solid as is. I might just proxy this list out and see how it does.

Court   Cryptek of destruction with lance and  solar pulse
            Cryptek of despair with a veil of darkness
            Lord with a warscythe and mindshackle scarabs
10 scarabs
10 scarabs

20 flayed ones
20 flayed ones
20 flayed ones

5 immortals
5 immortals
6 warriors

2 Canoptek Spyders with a single gloom prism
2 Doomsday Arks (in a game using Imperial Armour these would be replaced with Tomb Stalkers)

Tactics are pretty simple. In deployment you put your scarabs as far forward as you can and still have some cover. The court splits up with the troops. One unit of Immortals to the rear on an oblective in cover. The other immortal unit is your midfielder, and has the pulse Cryptek with them. The lord, Imhotek and the other Cryptek go with the warriors. They should deploy in the back in cover, as they have a veil and can be your late game objective denial.

Once your opponent set up, you infiltrate all 60 flayed ones, right up as close as you can get. The Doomsday Arks sit in the back with a line of sight to enemy armor, somewhere around the middle of your board edge to help with outflankers.

This list is geared to give your opponent fits. If they go first and decide to spotlight a unit your doomsday arks make them pay for it. If you go first then you rush in, scarabs first and munch away. They need to deal with the growing scarab swarms quickly, and in the middle of that there are 60 flayed ones up close. Hopefully this can overwhelm them with targets while your scoring units are protected by darkness in the back. Late game you veil in the warriors to contest another objective, and hopefully take it. If all went well you had 3-4 turns of nothing but the flayed ones and scarabs getting shot at. In that time you should have 2-3 objectives and be contesting any others.

Will it work? I don't know. It does rely heavily on the flayed ones to tie down your opponents shooting for at least three turns. The darkness doesn't hurt here as you are all up front and not shooting anyway. What do you think. This is definitely a war of attrition list if I have ever seen one.

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