Thursday, February 28, 2013

Progress has been good!

Well February, and most of the real winter here are almost behind us. I have actually had a lot going on this month. Outside of the hobby I have a new car, and a new puppy will be joining the family this week. Say hello to Casey.


On the hobby front HUGE progress. The thousand sons are rapidly approaching completion after another round of beatings. The recent charity tournament at GTA was not very forgiving. I played Fluff with his own version of my army in round one. He beat me for a couple of reasons, mainly he had more thousand sons models than I do (27 me to 36 him) and he went first. His combination of an infiltrating Ahriman, a level 3 sorcerer and all of it infiltrating into short range made for a rough match up. The second round was a turn seven nail biter against my own Dark Eldar army...(good game Alex). I won round 3, and won it well. What I see going on is very few HARD counters for the list, but still a lack of punch on turn one. With that in mind I am stealing Fluff's ideas and making a few twists of my own. I think the list should be able to deliver a brutal punch turn one now.

The Vraksian renegades that I have been working on for almost 3 years now are nearly ready. I need a few more bases from Dragonforge, and a couple of vendetta conversion kits from Forge World to complete the new, all infantry version of the army.

I have also been speeding along with painting a 1000 point Ravenguard army for Adepticon this year. In fact, that will be my primary focus right up until the event in April . The guard and T-sons will sit until then, but all that means is a change of pace here.

Aside from Adepticon, Origins is coming up fast as well. We have a metric crap-ton of events this year, from 40k to fantasy to Necromunda to Battlefleet Gothic and more! Check out the pre-registration information at Origins Game Fair. We have incoming groups from several states at this point, so get registered early and let us know you are coming.

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