Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 26th Tournament at the Comic Shop plus

I went and played at my old "home" shop yesterday for the first time in more than a year. I took Necrons.....that should be enough for you to figure out how it went when you consider that the CSP has one of the most skilled player groups in the country, ranking up there with Toledo in skill. Mostly good guys and a good day but I got ROFLstomped.

I played Aaron the first round. Aaron plays Tau and is fairly new to the game. I was in a clear lead until turn 5 when he was able to contest one more objective with a devilfish to squeak out a tie. I felt like the army was short on punch after that first game, and I was proved correct in round 2.

Round 2 was against a local great guy, MegaDave. I have only had the pleasure of playing MegaDave one other time and it was a blast. The mission was a modified cleanse 2 from 4th edition. the whole diagonal deployment line. In any case is chaos marines lined up right on the line and came at me as fast as they could. Dave went first and lashed a unit of 4 destroyers 11" right out into no man's land which allowed him to have 5 units assault them. THis in turn made it possible to get almost 2/3 of his army in assault right out of the gate and block line of sight to the rest......necrons fail and phase in turn 5.

This leaves me at 0-1-1 going into the last game. By now I was tired and my 5 hour energy had worn off...and I pulled Damon...the man the legend in his own Seriously Damon is one of the best players I know and his bubble wrap mech Kanz Orks phase me on turn 4.

0-2-1 on the day....not pretty. I had a good time though. I took and older codex for an army I haven't played more than a few times into a shark tank of competition out there. I should have known. Like I said, I had a ton of fun getting my butt kicked. I would show you pics from the day, but I can't. One of the TO's assistants was using my camera to get shots. He took 77 pics and they were all blurry.....oh well.

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